Private Lessons:

All you need is a mat, me and space in your home

Ramat Gan, Gevataim, Petah tikva, Tel Aviv, Ramat Hasharon, Herzaliya

I offer the option of giving you private lessons in the comfort of your own home.

Private pilates is more individualized because it offers you the opportunity to have one-on-one time with me. This allows us to get to know your body on a personal level and I can then create an exercise plan tailored specifically for you.

During your private sessions, you’ll receive a safe and monitored workout. This is important as it prevents overexertion or heat exhaustion, which can occur when training in groups.

Regardless of your skill level or abilities, you can rely on me to adapte and customize the exercises to fit you best. Through one-on-one instruction, we can deepen our understanding of your core strength, flexibility, and posture improvement. This knowledge is crucial for achieving a balanced body and overall wellness.

Private pilates also eliminates the intimidation factor associated with working out in front of strangers. You won’t have to worry about attire or performing exercises correctly, as it will be just you and me. Asking questions or seeking guidance is stress-free without the presence of others.

Feel Free to call or send me a message for more details.

My House visits include the following areas:
Ramat Gan, Gevataim, Petah tikva, Tel Aviv, Ramat Hasharon, Herzelya.

mat pilates, health and wellness with Sivan, Ramat Gan

Private or organic groups for ones preferences, for instance, women only groups